Zambia Away

Tafika Camp

Call 0121 472 1541 to chat about Our safaris in Zambia


Tafika Camp is owned and run by John and Carol Coppinger. They are renowned for offering unique and relaxed safaris at several hand-built camps in the North and South Luangwa.

Tafika offers an authentic Safari experience, offering warm hospitality and superior game viewing. Guests at Tafika are able to go microlighting over the South Luangwa National Park as an optional extra to the excellent drives and walks of the routine day. This is a fantastic way of viewing the Valley from a different perspective.

Tafika's typical safari day includes game drives, walking safaris and, in the wet season, boating and canoeing and bird watching. Cycling safaris are a further option added recently, and Tafika's six chalets include a wonderfully appointed honeymoon chalet.
